We’re on a mission to transform Delaware’s food system to one founded on health, compassion, justice and sustainability.

Through education and advocacy, we empower individuals, institutions, farmers, and restaurants to transform their business models and to increase their plant-based offerings.


We promote a plant-based diet and lifestyle to encourage individual health, to end the suffering of animals on factory farms, and to reduce the devastating impact that animal agriculture and industrial farming has on our environment.

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The time for change is now.

The Standard American Diet is filled with meat, fish, dairy, eggs and highly processed food. The cholesterol, hormones, sugar and fat in these foods contribute to an epidemic of obesity and disease. The result is that two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese, one in ten suffer from diabetes, and one in four deaths are from heart disease. And, according to the CDC, those with chronic diseases and certain medical conditions are more likely to experience severe illness or death if they are infected with COVID-19.

Factory farms deprive animals of all of their innate needs. Farmed animals, like our companion animals, suffer pain and mourn loss, and experience emotions like pleasure, boredom, fear and loneliness. Yet, they have been bred to grow so quickly they live in pain and sometimes their legs cannot even hold their weight. Some are confined in cages and not even given enough room to turn around.

Our rate of consumption of the Earth's resources rises each year, and we passed the point of sustainability in 1969. This late in the game, it is critical that we adopt a more sustainable society. According to the Global Footprint Network, we use Earth's resources 1.7 times faster than nature can regenerate them. This means forests turning to deserts, fisheries turned into dead zones, and farms turned into dust bowls.

To change our minds, we must first change our views.

It’s time to ditch your view of the “bucolic American farm” and see industrial farms as what they are — animal factories. The top five meat and dairy producers in the world emit more greenhouse gases than Exxon-Mobil, Shell, or BP. As Senator Cory Booker says in Part I of this eye-opening piece from the New York Times, “You cannot solve the climate problem unless you fix the American and global food systems.”

“The titans of the U.S. chicken industry want you to view their sector as a great American success story. In just a few decades, they will tell you, the industry has evolved from a fragmented, homespun business to a well-oiled engine of efficiency that produces wholesome, nutritious products at increasingly affordable prices. Chicken, they will point out, is now the most popular meat in the country.”

But Part II of this series reveals the true cost of your cheap chicken.


Part I

Part II

We’re talking to you.

Choose a plant-powered lifestyle for:

  • Personal health.

    Two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese, one in ten suffers from diabetes, and one in four deaths are from heart disease. You can change the statistics.

  • The animals.

    Factory farms deprive animals of all of their innate needs. Farmed animals experience pain and mourn loss. They feel pleasure, boredom, fear and loneliness.

  • The human impact.

    Factory farm workers are often exposed to harmful gases and particulate matter that can cause respiratory disorders, cardiovascular complications and premature death.

  • The Earth.

    Our rate of consumption of the Earth's resources rises each year, and we passed the point of sustainability in 1969. Now, it is critical that we adopt a more sustainable society.

Changing minds is possible. We’ve done it before.

Knowledge is power! Our group brings together like-minded volunteers to encourage this movement through the distribution of information. We work with organizations + individuals to teach about the myriad benefits of eating a plant-based diet and encourage the offering of more plant-based options at local businesses, schools and hospitals. We work with local restaurants to encourage a wider selection of plant-based offerings. 

Combined, our years of plant-based knowledge and experiences educate and support individuals and businesses who desire to learn more about a plant-based way of life.


 We have a passion and strong desire to create a better future by improving human health, protecting the environment, and greatly minimizing the number of animals raised for food. We’ve compiled a resource guide to help you make better choices!


Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Do something.

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